If you are suffering from an illness, injury or just want to feel better than you do today, then you could consider seeing an acupuncturist in Canberra.

One place to consider is the Chinese Treatment Centre in Turner which is a suburb just minutes away from the Canberra City centre. We have several practitioners that are well qualified and have many years of experience in treating patients.

We treat many different ailments using the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This approach considers the overall balance of the body and does not just focus on solving on problem.

If you undertake this treatment, your practitioner will start by discussing your situation and then select a method to best suit your individual needs. This could include other treatment methods such as cupping, moxibustion, massage and also the use of Chinese herbal medicine.

The centre has a large supply of herbs which are sourced from reputable companies in Sydney and Melbourne. During  the acupuncture treatment we will discuss with you the best options and talk about what Chinese herbs to use to help improve your situation or to take to improve your health and well-being.

The concepts of the Yin and Yang is what Chinese Medicine is based on. This includes Chinese Herbal Medicine, acupuncture and other treatments that all work together to improve a person’s health and well-being. The principle of Chinese medicine is to prevent disease before it occurs.

We invite you to call to arrange a consultation at our Turner address which you will find adjacent to the north west part of the Canberra City centre. You can easily walk from many of the government office locations near the Australian National University or drive to visit us and use the onsite pay parking.

We look forward to helping with your health requirements.

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